CASE STUDY: How Jon Doubled His Business Revenue In 90 Days After Resolving His Money Blocks

Tony Wang
7 min readMay 17, 2023


Scaling an online business isn’t easy.

There’s a ton of moving parts.

Marketing… sales... fulfillment... operations…

It can feel like spinning many plates at once.

And often, you get stuck on a plateau, where you logically KNOW what you need to do in order to grow to the level of revenue you want…


Instead of feeling excited and motivated to break through, you feel overwhelmed, anxious and uncertain.

In other words, you have massive resistance to doing what you need to grow to the next level.

So you end up sabotaging your own success by being indecisive, procrastinating, and creatively avoiding the things you KNOW will grow your bottom line.

You could have the best product or service in the world… Be using the latest and greatest marketing tactics… Be in the highest level masterminds…

But when you are not internally aligned with the version of yourself who owns a thriving business, then it feels stressful trying to create that reality.

That’s where Jon was when we first started working together.

His business was already doing well when we first started — he was at around $70k -$100k per month in revenue (and about 40% of that was cash collected).

He wanted to grow his revenue to a quarter million per month, yet couldn’t “visualize” that reality. Feelings of doubt, worry and insecurity crept up every time he thought about his goal.

Immediately, his mind would go to scenarios where everything would come crashing down if he kept scaling his business.

Of course he knew logically there wasn’t anything to be afraid of… but we humans are emotional creatures.

So how did Jon find a way to overcome his self-sabotaging blocks and more than double his business income (to $220k per month) within just 90 days?

Let’s find out.

The Essentials — Who Is Jon Chintanaroad?

Jon is a business mentor and recruiting coach who helps others start and grow their own recruiting business.

Jon’s main challenge was he knew what he needed to do in order to hit his goal of a quarter million per month… he couldn’t get himself to do those things.

For instance, scaling up his Facebook ads and hiring more salespeople.

All pretty straightforward actions, but he felt blocked.

Deep down, he felt if he wasn’t careful managing his business with 12 employees, things could get out of hand.

So he ran his business with 1 foot on the gas and 1 foot on the brake. His family life also suffered because his mind was constantly thinking about his business “what if’s” instead of being present with his wife and son.

And despite going from $0 to $100k per month in just 2 years, he admitted he didn’t feel as secure, confident, or at ease with his business as he wanted to. (Some of that was also due to constantly comparing himself with others who were doing bigger numbers than he was).

  • Jon’s revenue before working with me: $70k — $100k per month
  • Jon’s revenue 90 days afterwards: $220k per month

Tony’s Take

I was really excited to work with Jon when he first reached out.

Jon was the exact type of person who would see the best results from the 1:1 mentorship I offer.

I knew that because Jon reminded me a lot of myself in the past: Driven, disciplined and proactive.

But due to bad childhood programming, had limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging tendencies when it came to success and making money.

And most importantly, he was open to doing the type of inner work I help my clients with.

The sad truth is, lots of people simply refuse to take an honest look at their subconscious emotions, thoughts and beliefs (out of fear it will be too emotionally uncomfortable)

As a result they struggle for longer than they need to.

So with Jon, I knew all we had to do was to have him release his unconscious stuck identities that created fear and anxiety around growing his business.

We got to work right away.

Session 1: Initial Intake + Dissolving Anxiety

The first session was all about listening to Jon describe his obstacles and challenges in his own words.

This allows me to see any mental patterns or beliefs he held that were keeping him stuck.

He told me he felt a sense of anxiety whenever his revenue dipped. And had repeating thoughts like “What if this is the end?”… “What if I just got lucky and not actually that skilled…?”

Those things caused him to over work and as a result, miss out on spending time with his wife and son.

He also felt insecure about where he was currently at because he was constantly comparing himself to others who were making more revenue than him.

So the first thing we did was dissolve his anxiety around his current revenue volatility. We went through a subconscious identity rewiring process until he could think about his revenue dipping and felt very little emotional reaction.

With more “breathing room”, we could start to focus on his goals.

Another assignment I gave him was creating his “dream budget” and list out everything he wanted to have or experience every month.

Then, to estimate how much it would cost. His dream budget was ~$80k per month, meaning he could have all that (after expenses) if he hit his goal of $250k per month.

This gave him a clear target to aim for with a purpose rather than just wanting “more” for the sake of having more.

Session 2: Resolving Inner Conflicts To Making $250k/month

During our second session, we started diving into the accelerated goal achievement process.

The process is very simple:

  1. Think about your goal
  2. Notice what emotional obstacles naturally come up (resistance, fear, doubt, etc)
  3. Clear those emotional obstacles by releasing unconscious stuck identities
  4. Repeat until you can think about your goal and it feels it’s impossible for you to fail

This same process has helped me make my first million dollars, plan an awesome proposal to my wife, and get my coaching business off the ground.

For Jon, the emotional obstacles in the way were feelings of fear that he was going to screw something up bad, if he started making $250k or more per month.

During the process, an identity where he was irresponsible with money came up and we were able to clear it. We integrated that with his preferred identity of “a warrior” — someone who is of service to others and is grounded regardless of what’s happening externally.

Afterwards, he could only feel excitement when thinking about his business goals, and could no longer feel the anxiety and fear.

He was now in the ideal state to take action.

Session 3: Training Him Self-Application Of The Subconscious Rewiring Process

Between our 2nd and 3rd session, Jon started taking massive action.

  • He promoted his sales manager to full time and started scaling up his paid ads
  • As he started getting more leads and sales, his revenue started climbing
  • He felt excited about the direction things were going in

Things were moving FAST now that he finally took his foot off the brakes.

However he did run into some hiccups:

  • His Linkedin account got temporarily shut down, which impacted his brand.
  • And he still felt a sense of “Imposter syndrome” and constantly compared himself to others.

So I taught him the Universal Process for quickly clearing emotional blocks.

Although the Universal Process doesn’t go as deep the identity-rewiring processes, it’s something that almost everyone can do on their own, anytime, anywhere to resolve problems, blocks and limiting beliefs.

By doing the process, he was able to let go of the pattern of always comparing himself against others.

Session 4: Creating Balance Between Business & Family Life

This was a pretty casual call because things started taking off for Jon last month.

He closed out October with a revenue of $204,799 — more double what he was making when we started less than 60 days ago.

Now that his business was thriving, Jon was now facing some new challenges such as overwhelm and time management.

Our call was more casual and we went over strategies on how to be more present in his personal and family life while juggling a 6-figure per month business.

I asked him what happened to the fear and anxiety from before, and he said he totally forgot about it.

That’s something I hear about all the time after a client resolves their problem at the root level.

They forget they had a specific problem in the first place!

Final Results: $77K in August To $220k in November (300% Increase in 90 Days)

Jon closed out November with $220k in revenue.

Although we we just $30k shy of his target, compared to his August revenue, that was an increase of 300% in only 3 months. I have no doubt it’s just a matter of time before he surpasses his quarter million per month goal.

And I never once coached him on WHAT he should do in his business. All I did was help him release the “mental junk” that was in the way of his goals, and allowed for his own innate wisdom and abilities to take over.

He even shot this video for me:

Removing Your Blocks to Scaling Your Business Isn’t Difficult Once You “Get Out Of Your Own Way”

Right now, on some level you already know what you need to do in order to make your desired level of income.

You might not have the full roadmap, but I bet there’s a few actions you know you could take to propel you in the right direction.

If you’re struggling to take action despite your best efforts, or find yourself repeating the same self-sabotaging patterns, then you likely have some mental and emotional blocks in your way.

And believe it or not, permanently overcoming them is easier than you think once we get to the root cause.

That’s exactly what I do in my 1:1 mentorship program.

I work with high performers and people with a track record of success to resolve deep-rooted (and often unconscious) beliefs, traumas and emotional patterns to break through their income plateaus — FAST.

If that sounds like you, fill out this application and let’s see if it makes sense to work together.

If I don’t think I can help you, I’ll tell you upfront.

If you want to know more about Jon:



Tony Wang
Tony Wang

Written by Tony Wang


I help entrepreneurs upgrade their core identities around money to create a lifetime of fulfillment and abundance

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